The Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral has on Wednesday, 28th December, 2022, held an opening ceremony in commencement of a 3-Day Interdenominational Bible Reading Marathon and Worship Service dubbed "Come Let Us Worship"
In his welcome statement at the solemn event held at the National Cathedral Construction site, The Chairman of National Cathedral Board of Trustees, Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah, gave the purpose of the event saying "We are gathered here this morning to launch what we have dubbed “Come Let Us Worship…!”, which is an interdenominational Christian Bible-Reading and Worship service to celebrate the vision and laying of the foundation of the National Cathedral. It involves the systematic reading of the entire Bible by Christians of all denominations, key stakeholders, and patrons of the National Cathedral".
He explained that the Bible Readings which begun today December 28th, will continue through 29th and 30th from 6am-6pm each day and climaxed with a Worship and Thanksgiving service on January 2, 2023 at 9am-12noon to conclude the Bible reading.
Stating the purpose of the three days Bible Reading Marathon and Thanksgiving Service he revealed that the purpose of the Marathon is captured in Ezra 3: 10-11, which states: "When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, …Then all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid (Ezra 3: 10-11)"
Apostle Onyinah noted that "Come Let Us Worship" is planned as a truly national interdenominational initiative that mobilizes Church leaders, Church groups, and Para church groups for the three days of Bible Reading. "Ultimately, our goal is to focus attention in the essence of the National Cathedral Project, and its Bible Museum on the one hand; and promote Christian unity among the various denominations in the country." He added.
He further explained that "Come Let Us Worship" will also be linked to the Beyond the Return (BTR) initiative, alluding to the returnees and the rebuilding of the temple.
"It is thus also conceived as an initiative for the African Diaspora to experience authentic Ghanaian Christian worship, and builds on one of the distinctive aspects of Ghanaian and African Christianity – the vibrancy of its worship. It will involve reading of the Bible by some of the African Diaspora."
Apostle Onyinah indicated that the Board of Trustees will collaborate with the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), and the Beyond the Return (BTR) Secretariat to ensure adequate participation of the African Diaspora. Adding that ultimately, it will also be a way of reaching out to the African Diaspora to support the National Cathedral project.
He hoped that through the Bible Reading and Worship Service, the country will come to the understanding of the essence of the National Cathedral, and support it fully
On behalf of the Board of Trustees he thanked Rev. Dr Joyce Aryee, a Board Member and the Secretariat team who worked tirelessly to put the event together while expressing appreciation to all the Christians who have volunteered to do the Bible Reading in the three days. She also made an appeal to all and sundry to donate towards the building of the cathedral as he said it is ongoing but more money is needed to build and complete it to the glory of God. A member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Director of the Light and Salt Ministries, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee, in her submission told the media that the Cathedral is likely to be completed in the coming year. She was also optimistic that the Interdenominational Bible reading Marathon will be an annual event which will be replicated in the other regions of the country, urging that the reading is open to all who are interested to come and read.
Also present at the ceremony was the metropolitan Archbishop of, Cape Coast, Palmer buckle.